OSM Park Fingerprinting

Linus Dietz


General Overview

There are 3451 parks in London when querying for leisure:park. 1861 of the parks have a name. In the next step, we collected all map objects (nodes) within these parks.

##                             name node_count
##  1:                 Dulwich Park       2345
##  2:             Peckham Rye Park       2129
##  3:           Hampton Court Park       1594
##  4:                 Burgess Park       1348
##  5:         Russia Dock Woodland       1316
##  6: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park       1217
##  7:                    Hyde Park       1183
##  8:                Richmond Park        985
##  9:                Victoria Park        909
## 10:               Southwark Park        869
## 11:                   Bushy Park        797
## 12:           Kensington Gardens        749
## 13:            Burgess Park West        731
## 14:           Peckham Rye Common        600
## 15:         Queen Square Gardens        525

NB: It is also possible to query for rivers/lakes etc., but there are typically no nodes within bodies of water.


These heatmap shows the density of map objects within the parks. The interactive heatmap is also available: https://lynyus.org/_maps/parks_nodes.html


Regent’s Park

Queen Mary’s Garden

Relevant Categories

This is a bit more complicated, since it turns out that categories are generally tags in the form of a {key:value pair}. OSM editors should orient their submission according to the general guidelines, but in practice these are not perfectly enforced and these tags can be freely edited. Although obscure tags are not displayed on the map, we still need to deal with them when using the API.

Currently, I have focused on the keys of the tags and made a decision whether they seemed to be relevant for me or not. The full list can be viewed (and edited) in keys_relevancy.csv.

In total, I discovered 613 distinct keys in the parks of London, of which I found 68 to be relevant.

To Do: also filter for tag values

##                        Key relevancy
##  1:                amenity         1
##  2:    archaeological_site         1
##  3:                artwork         1
##  4:        artwork_subject         1
##  5:           artwork_type         1
##  6:              athletics         1
##  7:             attraction         1
##  8:                    bar         1
##  9:                  bench         1
## 10:        bicycle_parking         1
## 11: bicycle_parking:stands         1
## 12:         bicycle_rental         1
## 13:                brewery         1
## 14:               building         1
## 15:            bunker_type         1
## 16:             cargo_bike         1
## 17:               cemetery         1
## 18:       community_centre         1
## 19:                  craft         1
## 20:              fast_food         1
## 21:              fireplace         1
## 22:        fitness_station         1
## 23:               fountain         1
## 24:                   golf         1
## 25:               heritage         1
## 26:                 hiking         1
## 27:               historic         1
## 28:               landmark         1
## 29:                landuse         1
## 30:                leisure         1
## 31:               man_made         1
## 32:               memorial         1
## 33:               military         1
## 34:               monument         1
## 35:                 museum         1
## 36:                natural         1
## 37:                 office         1
## 38:                outdoor         1
## 39:        outdoor_seating         1
## 40:              park_ride         1
## 41:                parking         1
## 42:       pedalboat_rental         1
## 43:                  place         1
## 44:             playground         1
## 45:                  power         1
## 46:       public_transport         1
## 47:                   pump         1
## 48:                railway         1
## 49:              recycling         1
## 50:         recycling_type         1
## 51:               religion         1
## 52:                  ruins         1
## 53:                seating         1
## 54:                shelter         1
## 55:                   shop         1
## 56:              site_type         1
## 57:                species         1
## 58:                  sport         1
## 59:                station         1
## 60:            street_lamp         1
## 61:                 subway         1
## 62:                toilets         1
## 63:                tourism         1
## 64:                utility         1
## 65:           waste_basket         1
## 66:                  water         1
## 67:               waterway         1
## 68:                    zoo         1
##                        Key relevancy
##                       Key relevancy
##   1:                FIXME         0
##   2:               HE_ref         0
##   3:             abutters         0
##   4:               access         0
##   5:   access:conditional         0
##  ---                               
## 541:            wikipedia         0
## 542:         wikipedia:en         0
## 543:      wpt_description         0
## 544:                 year         0
## 545: year_of_construction         0

Park Fingerprints

My idea would be to characterize a park by the nodes within its boundaries. We could come up with scoring functions where each node contributes with a certain weight to scores in different categories:

The weights of the different items could also be adjusted using blackbox learning to approximate a concept that we want to emulate (I did something similar here: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fdata.2022.829939/full).

This is an excerpt of some categories, as mentioned there are currently 68 relevant tags.

##                            name natural leisure tourism artwork_type playground
## 1:            The Regent's Park     129       9      28            5          2
## 2: Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park     668      14      98           10          5
## 3:              Hampstead Heath      46       0      16            2          0
## 4:           Kensington Gardens     464       0      30            7          0
## 5:               Battersea Park     134       7      14            2          0
## 6:                Victoria Park     562      45      27            2         11
##    memorial historic amenity sport landmark bicycle_parking
## 1:        0        0     335     0        0              11
## 2:        3        5     312    39        0              45
## 3:        6        7     249     0        0               3
## 4:        2        4     239     0        1               7
## 5:        3        4     234     0        0              16
## 6:        2        4     229    34        0              13


Access to parks

3.25% the parks do have an access tag indicating whether they are accessible. 49.11% are generally accessible, 49.11% are private.

parks_access[, .N ,by = access]
##          access    N
## 1:      private   53
## 2:          yes   44
## 3:              3338
## 4:   permissive   11
## 5:           no    2
## 6:      unknown    1
## 7: agricultural    1

4.75% have a tag indicating the opening hours.
