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First Workshop on Urban Recommender Systems

1 minute read

As we witness an ongoing centralization of the population towards urban landscapes, recommendation technology has an increasing role in people’s perception and decision-making in cities. People use recommender systems for choosing places to stay, which attractions and restaurants to visit, and route recommender systems for navigation. This workshop aims to bring together practitioners and academics working on improving recommendations in the urban space with an emphasis on both individual nee...

Data-driven Destination Recommender Systems

1 minute read

This thesis explores various aspects of the destination recommendation domain, namely mobility analyses about which types of travelers can be observed in location-based social media data, how these groups perform in point-of-interest recommendation, how long travelers should stay at a destination, and which data sources are suitable to characterize destinations. Finally, we propose a city recommender system that supports users making the trade-offs involved in their travel choices.

Survey on Feature Usage in JabRef

1 minute read

If you are using JabRef as your bibliography manager, please consider participating in a user survey about yur usage of JabRef’s features.

Java by Comparison

3 minute read

I am very happy to announce the release of ‘Java by Comparison’ by Simon Harrer, Jörg Lenhard and myself published at the Pragmatic Bookshelf.

Hello world, reloaded!

less than 1 minute read

After a technical downtime of shutting down my old server last December, I have finally set up a new homepage again.